Florida Power & Light
Web Taxi Help    
Florida Power & Light
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Available Reports
Franchise Payment Worksheet
This report provides the calculation method to arrive at the monthly payment, the current month payment, the franchise anniversary year to date payments, and the payment date to the municipality.
 Municipal Tax Payment Worksheet
 This report provides the categories utilized to calculate the monthly remittance and the payment date to the municipality.
 Franchise Fee Payments
 This report provides the most recent 12 month payments.
 Franchise Fee Details
 This report provides a 12 month summary of franchise payments and demonstrates the categories utilized to arrive at each month's payments.
 Municipal Tax Payments
 This report provides the most recent 12 months' payments.
Two steps are needed for report retrieval:

1. You must mouse-click on a report title to select it.

2. Then, mouse-click on the "Retrieve selected report" button to retrieve the report.
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